حقہ پنجابی زبان میں پانی کے اس برتن کے لئے استعمال کیا جاتا ہے جس کے اوپر خول نما کوئی چیز ہو برصغیر کو حقہ کا آبائی وطن قرار دیا جاتا ہے۔ علاقہ اور دستیابی...
Category - Colors of Pakistan
Our beloved country Pakistan has a vital traditions and true cultures.in Pakistan children have different types of games which their lives more beautiful and...
Today’s interesting topic is BARAF KA GOLA.well every state, region and even local regional people have their own perception and to supply to that...
Pakistani handicrafts display the culture and behaviors of Pakistan. Handcraft is something which is made by hands and it’s very unique in every side. In...
Music has been the part of different cultures, religions and Areas. This is something which cannot be totally denied. Many people do they...