Home » Pakistan’s current population

Pakistan’s current population

Pakistan’s current population is approx 210 million. This is growing at 2.2% per annum- amongst one of the highest growth rate in the world.Have we given a thought how we will feed this growing population? We will need more staple food, edible oil, meat and other direct consumables. At the moment we import almost all of edible oil. Should we not look to start introducing Canola, corn and olive to eventually become self sufficient in edible oil at least?
How are we going to house this increasing population? Health & education? Are we keeping pace by generating enough jobs? If no jobs then what this upcoming youth will do to earn money?
Have you paid any attention towards Urban planning and to ways by which pressure on few cities could be reduced and sufficient facilities like hospitals, schools, colleges, job creation and infrastructure development is done in other cities so that people are not forced to migrate to 3,4 main cities?
Even today, we are finding it difficult to meet wheat and flour requirements. Being an agricultural economy, as a short term target, how can we ensure we produce surplus wheat. Most of Central Asian States, Afghanistan and Russia, do not have favorable environment to support wheat crop. Pakistan can potentially export surplus wheat. Over the last few decades what contribution agriculture research center has done to increase per acre yield for wheat or any other crop? Why we could not do so?
Are we taking Locust challenge seriously? Water shortage would be there. It is reality. Do we have a plan to deal with water shortage?
At current rate next year our population will be 214 mn, then 218 mn, then 222 mn and so on. After 10 years (2030) our population will be approx 250 mn (25 caror).
I am sure Government has already devised a strategy to deal with this by ensuring enough jobs are created, health, education, housing, combating crime, food, traffic management and sanitation arrangements are made in advance. Have they?
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About the author

Abu Fawaz

I am Fine art Landscape & travel photographer,photography is my blood and passion and sometimes i try to write as well.